Michael, what's happening dude?

What's a writer do when he's not thinking up kooky ways to end the lives of his characters? Karaoke is one thing he might do... Karaoke is a hobby of mine and in Mandurah, there are plenty of venues offering karaoke and I still get out 2 - 3 times a week to belt out a tune or two. That's not me singing at Murphy's Bar. This is: I usually go for Meatloaf, Robbie Williams, Elton John or something from Billy Idol. They are in my range and I enjoy singing this material. This is one of the many things I do between writing and waiting for the next round of edits to come through for SEETHINGS. Another project I'm working on is my home. I recently bought a beach house and am renovating it. Shortly after we moved in, I built Margo a potting shed out of old glass doors. She set about planting a vegetable garden and now we've got herbs, vegetables and citrus on the grow. I then ripped out the original sliding door...