Am I Actually Asexual?

 Asexual: An organism that can reproduce all by it's f*cking self!

It would seem my education was off when it comes to the definition of asexuality. Apparently this description doesn't apply to humans. Here, we use it in a totally different way.

Just what did she mean when she asked that absurd question anyway?

She placed her hands onto my chest, leaned forward for a moment and then began to nestle herself down onto the tip of my rod. Her eyes closed, opening only when she'd reached its end.

Sarah's a cute kid, very amiable and tries really hard to impress. She's a real breath of fresh air. I just can't remember anyone asking that question when I was her age.


Linda used that word too.

She said almost the very same thing to me a couple of months ago. Of course, her situation was a little different. She was going through a dry spell. There was a fear she wouldn't get laid again.

It was bullshit talk. 

She'd find a man. She wouldn't have any problem pulling a guy even if she needed one.

Sure, she's older but still good looking enough to get action. She loves men. Sex is something she enjoys very much. She's not asexual, not at all.

She's just a bit too chatty. That's what keeps her bed cold. Linda talks too much. She's a little nervous when making her first few moves. It gets the better of her.

She didn't need to work at it when she was younger - spent most of the time keeping guys hands at bay. That's not the case now. These days she has to approach the men who own the hands if she wants them inside her pants.

If only she knew just when to shut up!

Where the hell did that word come from anyway?

I didn't think it could be applied to people. I thought it was for plants, microbes and insects.

It's become a somewhat fashionable word to drop lately. Sarah's bedroom bombshell still confounds me.

She loves sex. Look at her. She absolutely loves hopping on me and sliding down until she can go no further. You can see it in her eyes. I can feel it in her body!

She rocks back and forth drawing as much as she can from it. Just look at her!

Her pussy has more muscle than my jerk-off hand. Each climax she experiences clamps on tight. It doesn't hurt but it's close. It feels as though she's grinding me down to a nub.

I can't hold back, I have to shake my head. 

How can this word be uttered here? We're naked and covered in each other's sweat. Feminine goo streams down my balls. Was she being rhetorical? Her words didn't come with sarcasm. She was dead serious. If anything, it had naivety in it.

Unlike Linda's sexual journey, Sarah's has just started. She's still getting used to what sex means, what her body does and experiencing romance. Boys chase girls. Girls pretend to run. In the end, they kiss, hold hands and let nature take its course.

It's a completely adorable outlook.

It also reminds me of what it was like when I started my journey. It was all new and exciting. I had so many wonderful experiences. There were dreams, so many dreams.

And when Sarah wraps her legs around me, she truly means it. She absolutely does. She holds on as though this moment is the very last. I remember what that was like too. I've missed feeling a woman's  desperation.

Is Sarah asexual?


It wasn't too long ago when bi-sexual slipped by those lips. It's a game. She's playing with new words to see what reactions she'll get. She's expanding her sexual experiences, that's all. Who knows which word she'll utter next!

The one person who should be asking this question is my wife. She's an intelligent, sensible woman but totally unavailable - at least ever since her Church taught her sex was dirty.

Catholicism has a lot to answer for.

I made a stupid promise, took a dumb gamble and lost. So? I couldn't be made to live a sexless life anymore.

That's why I look for women like Sarah and Linda. I'm not asexual, neither are they or my other lovers. 

I never turned Samantha off sex. She was never into from the start. That had nothing to do with me. She was a good little celibate Catholic girl. I did everything right by her and played the game properly. I worked hard and expected the rewards to come. There weren't any, just a well-worn routine that carried on from our dating days to our married ones.

I gave her the best part of me and she abused it.

She's the epitome of asexuality.

I didn't want to be asexual... I got it by proxy.

What about wanting a woman's desperate pair of legs around my body? What about dreaming those dreams I once had, felt the little catches of breath between hungry kisses, the heat of a woman enveloping my manhood? 

There was guilt, sure, for a while.

Once that'd passed, I was back on track. I just wished I'd not waited a decade to walk it. Life is better this way. I enjoy my wife's company and she enjoys mine. We get along well, the best we ever have. Peace returned to the household.

No, she doesn't know. She can't ever know. Her ideal husband is a faithful one. In her eyes, it's one man for one woman. That's the deal, like the way the fairy-tale tells it. 

In my eyes, the story goes a little further and those two people do more in their bed than sleep. 

I guess we fall short of each others expectations.

Sam wouldn't admit to being asexual. I doubt she's even heard of the word. She thinks she's normal and will fall pregnant soon. She's telling anyone who'll listen, including her parents. I wish she hadn't.

I can't see how pregnancy will occur. It'd have to be Immaculately Conceived. I suppose it's possible. It happened once before, at least that's what Sam was taught.

In the meantime, Sarah provides me with some much needed realism and she'll do that until the day she dies. 

Her time will come next week.


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