
Tenacity To Write At Length

This is an insightful post about some necessary writing skills required to create AND finish adult-sized novels. Before breaking into my short tips on how to maintain a prolonged mental state for large writing projects, let me say this, keep plenty of backup power on-hand and practice periodic saving every few minutes! (Technology failed me twice while compiling this article.) Now that the tech-part has been said, let's move on. Ti me for writing, only writing. It's impossible to write an entire novel on five or ten minute intervals with the idea that the passages can be stuck together later and make sense to a stranger. They won't. Good writing takes more. Novels require their writer's attention for hours at a time. It's not unusual for an author to sit and write for eight or nine hours without stopping. I've found it takes about two hours to re-engage with the previous day's work, three hours of new, good material that follows it,...

Scratchy AM Radios

I Love Scratchy, Crackly, AM-Band Transistor Radios! My Fishing Radio Yes, it's kooky. I've so much good audio around me these days, what with phones, iPods, tablets... why go backwards to A.M. radio? Sub-woofing thumps are nice but they're intense, overpowering. Sometimes I just want a little background music - in the damn background! Maybe I'm getting old. Industrial sized bumps and crashes aren't always needed. I don't want my body penetrated by sound - don't mind the sound of a pathetically tuned, low resolution pocket AM radio - especially when fishing. So I've found myself browsing E-Bay for old radios.  And I have a few - one adorns my workshop, another I keep in the boat and there's another for when I move around the house. Yes, we also have a lovely home stereo system for those times we want the fullest musical experience... but there's nothing like the comforting sound of AM radio when I'm  writing  or wor...

Am I Actually Asexual?

  Asexual : An organism that can reproduce all by it's f*cking self! It would seem my education was off when it comes to the definition of asexuality. Apparently this description doesn't apply to humans. Here , we use it in a totally different way. Just what did she mean when she asked that absurd question anyway? She placed her hands onto my chest, leaned forward for a moment and then began to nestle herself down onto the tip of my rod. Her eyes closed, opening only when she'd reached its end. Sarah's a cute kid, very amiable and tries really hard to impress. She's a real breath of fresh air. I just can't remember anyone asking that question when I was her age. Asexual? Linda used that word too. She said almost the very same thing to me a couple of months ago. Of course, her situation was a little different. She was going through a dry spell. There was a fear she wouldn't get laid again. It was bullshit talk.  She...

Proof me wrong!

Well look what turned up in the post. It's been about nine months since the last proof (I wasn't happy with the previous cover) and this one hits it out of the park! I ordered three proofs this time, one for myself another two for people to proof-read for me. The new matte finish is remarkable to touch compared to the glossy cover I ordered for it last time! There were some other alterations made to the text within and this now becomes the latest version of the story. (Ten chapters of this are available for viewing @  SEETHINGS (the first ten) for free.) Last week I was inundated with people on my blog site   soon after the tragic events surrounding Elliot Rodger and his killing spree in the United States took place. There has been a lot of online chatter about Involuntary Celibacy (INCEL) because of this and, understandably, much hate directed towards what has been uncovered as an 'Underground movement': groups of angry m...

New cover and title.

Well, it's been a long time coming but here it is: SEETHINGS You are probably wondering two things: 1)What happened to the old title 'In The Bed Inside Me,' and 2) It looks like it's ready. Where can I order a copy? The answers are as follows: I didn't like the old title. After a year of watching it being displayed in various places and typing it into emails and messages, I didn't feel it looked so good. I had several other titles to choose from and SEETHINGS was one of them. It appealed more and more to me because of how it tricks the eye, like one of the characters does in the novel. The word is derived from 'seething.' I guess most people know that part... and so it's plural (if there were one to be had) would be 'seethings.' When I put it on that dark background, it changed. It 'looked' like as though it could be three different words. The first two seen (especially by a younger generation) would be 'SEE' and ...

Update May '13

Hi guys. Sorry I haven't written for a while. I've been meaning to do something here but time keeps getting away from me. I've got many things in the pipeline and too little time to do it all. Firstly, the blog is increasing readership at a phenomenal rate. There are now about 100 visitors to the site a day and about new 1300 new visitors per month. I've put this down to keeping up the daily blog (4-5 blogs per week) and actively maintaining a reasonable standard of good embedded search criteria with them. Secondly, I've been to Perth to help a friend and see the sights. I enjoyed my time there but it kept me from the novel. Thirdly, I haven't been well. Toothaches, backaches and the flu have kept me down. I was so glad to keep theatre out of the calendar for the first part of 2013. I don't know how I would've coped with it if I had signed up for something. Fourthly, I am now into theatre again - co-directing/performing in a musical/play and perf...

Oliver! Michael Forman

Hi, I cut/pasted this from my old blog and posted it here, from a show I did in 2012. Here's Opening Night Reviews! (see original transcript  here !) Book, Music & Lyrics: Lionel Bart. PRIMA (Pine Rivers Musical Association Inc., @ Holy Spirit Auditorium, Bray Park, Qld. Director: Melanie Evans. Music Director: Terry Million. Choreographer: Shelley Marshall. Oct 19 – 27, 2012. Charles Dickens  Oliver Twist  is one of the great British novels and Lionel Bart’s musical adaptation of it is one of the great British musicals. PRIMA’s production ticked all the right boxes, with Bart’s score the strength of the performance. Michael Forman was a very impressive Fagin, bringing out the Jewishness of the character, dancing impishly, and singing the role with conviction. His “Pick a Pocket or Two” and “Reviewing the Situation” were a delight. Chantelle Hill was a lusty, busty Nancye who delivered the show’s most-famous ballad and its reprise, “As Long...