Shut Down 'Live-Streaming'

From schoolyard bullying to mass killings, the live-stream feature on social-media applications has been abused. 

[Un]Social media live-streaming was a step in the wrong direction.

Since it's inception, the Internet has rushed into our lives, consumers constantly mesmerised by shiny new gadgets, offers, applications and online facilities believing all of it leads to gold.

Gold is simply a lure to opportunity. There's no reward found in live-streaming. It says more about the lure to find one and those lured by what it promises or seems to promise them.

What social benefit does a live-stream give a citizen, any citizen?

Social media companies certainly know what benefits them. They get to keep/gain members but what does it do for you and I?

Deranged individuals are attracted to it too. They are out there  being lured to their kind of gold.

Social media doesn't discriminate who logs on or how it's used. If someone wants to strap a Go-Pro to themselves, shoot-up a street-full of people and broadcast their results to the world as they do it, today's social media allows it.

LAW is slow to respond to INTERNET. It always has been.

Regular MEDIA can't broadcast that kind of content because LAW stops it. MEDIA has been around as long as LAW. The two have grown-up together.

For some reason, social media is outside the laws that protect the public from seeing the kind of carnage being broadcast by the deranged who abuse and misuse social media.

The current social response is to stop the offender. The media is not the problem. That way of thinking has to end.

I ask again, what is the social benefit to providing a real-time streaming service to the general public that broadcasts openly to the general public?


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